Transformations With Jayne

Amazing Journeys in Life and Writing with Karen Hill Anton



This week on the show I had the pleasure of interviewing author, cross-cultural competence consultant and coach; Karen Hill Anton. She has written an amazing memoir called The View from Breast Pocket Mountain that I highly recommend! She has been living in Japan since the 1970’s, and it was fascinating to hear about how she navigated her way here, motherhood, work and the various cultural differences she encountered. Karen had a lot of wisdom to share about adapting to new situations, dealing with other people’s assumptions and discrimination, and how to build fortitude in challenging times. If you enjoyed this episode and it inspired you in some way, we’d love to hear about it and know your biggest takeaway. Take a screenshot of yourself listening to the episode on your device, post it to your Instagram Stories, and tag me (@transformationswithjayne) or (send us a message here.) About Karen:  Kar