Bootcamp Blueprint: How Personal Trainers Can Grow Their Bootcamp!

Ep 177: How to Create a Memorable Group Fitness with Experience with Lauren George



Welcome to Fitness Education Online Podcast!In this episode of the Fitness Education Online Podcast, Jono Petrohilos interviews Lauren George.Lauren George is the Co-Creator of the Enhanced Barre Above Program, Creator of the Musicality Method, Co-Owner of FitBiz Retreat, Fit and Fierce on the Mic Podcast host, adjunct faculty for Clemson University and a Master Trainer for Balletone. Lauren helps fitness instructors and entrepreneurs up-level their skills. Most of all, Lauren is passionate about helping participants understand that fitness can be FUN!Follow LaurenInstagram Podcast episodes are hosted by either Jono Petrohilos, Travis Mattern or Claudia LiFitness Education the link below to join our Community Facebook Group (we have over 13 000 Fitness Professionals / Personal Trainers in there and we all share tips and ideas)r