Seaside Radio

Seaside Radio Episode Nine



Is it finally time for a new episode?!? Yes , Yes it is, time. And special thanks to the Nudgee Beach Pigeon Club for sneaking the compact discs through the various borders. Obviously said pigeons and compact discs were in quarantine before they were uploaded to the unsaid computers. So what's in this episode I hear me ask? We take a listen to careers day at Seaside Elementary 1H where kids are either inspired or hired to get a quick start to an enthralling career of accounting or squid hunting Ronnie Keith lets us sneak onto the set of his latest television advertisement, he feeds us some excerpts from his own private radio station 43U and accidently lets us hear the hit song from The Wandering Frogmen. What else? Well, we keep you caught up with the Comedy, Mystery, Adventure, Drama...Sue and the Seacow! It's Episode 9 and The General Manager of Irakangee Seafarms starts to reveal to his faithful lawyer Walter, the truth of the Seacow Patties and a secret weapon to catch the freak seacow monster.