Influencer Entrepreneurs With Jenny Melrose

IE 55: How to Beat the Facebook Algorithm Changes (a.k.a. Facebook Zero)



Facebook algorithms are the topic on everybody’s lips these days, am I right? Bloggers, Etsy shop owners, podcasters, and really anyone who uses Facebook to reach their audience have been in a near panic whenever the subject of the new Facebook algorithm comes up.  We're diving into how to beat the Facebook algorithm changes.The new Facebook algorithm is being called Facebook Zero. The whole point, according to Mark Zuckerberg, is to have your newsfeed filled with your friends and family instead of a majority ads and pages.As someone who very recently completely missed the pregnancy of a good friend until several months in, I appreciate what he’s trying to do here. I don’t want a news feed filled with only ads and business pages. He is encouraging discussions, not just mindless scrolling.Click to view: show page on Awesound