Chats With Susan Burrell

Ever Wish a Truck Hit You?



Ep #162 - Have you ever wished for a truck to hit you?  I am guessing not. And yet that is what it can feel like when your life appears to be out of control. My guest for my latest Empowering Chat Podcast is Jennifer Crowley, author of Ever Wish You Got Hit by a Truck? Jennifer wrote her book, which is part real-life story, part workbook, after her own life-changing experiences in mid-life, which included divorce and leaving her 20-year successful job behind. And in her personal life she was dealing with the recent diagnosis of her mother’s breast cancer and her father’s recovery from a motorcycle accident. She found there was little spark left in her life and she wanted to start living a life she truly wanted. So, she called upon her strength to make significant changes, and she is now sharing the life-changing practices and lessons she learned on her journey to support a more integrated and joy-filled life. Jennifer firmly believes she’s been put on this planet to help women be fearless in the face of cha