Movers + Mavericks

Healing, Self Care, and the power of the Plants - Maribeth Helen Keane - Episode 65



Welcome to this week's we move podcast. Today's conversation marks a gentle beginning to a Discovery in our own lives that has become really important to us in an our journey to making sense of the world of physical culture and the contemporary drive for success which emphasises the importance of intensity. And increasingly we experience the opposite when spending time with those people that we respect and admire for what they have done or are doing. They are living with intention as opposed to living intensely and are applying a generous dose of self-care in order to nourish their physical and mental states. And this-results, in an ability to listen and feel the innate wisdom that we have within our bodies to guide us in how we live, train, move, work and be in relationship with one another. And this conversation has come about through a chance purchase by Chris of a very simple unassuming ‘zine found in a store 12 months prior and it made a very real impact on him, so much so that he reached out t