North By North Quest

Episode 75 [SQ:R] - Ranger in a Strange Land



Welcome to Durgast! A hodgepodge world made up of many different things, cultures, oddities and folk, and home to Dark Hedge – the regional trading hub. And we meet Aloren – hat connoisseur and renowned socialite! Well…sort of. Culture abound and performances to enjoy, his rare afternoon at ease sets him moving on an exciting path unbeknownst to him with company more eclectic than his wildest expectations! This is Side Quest | Remembrance. Connect: Twitter Discord Facebook Instagram Website Please rate, review, and subscribe to the podcast on itunes or your favorite podcasting platform! Also if you post on social media and use the hashtag #NxNQ, your name might even get picked for an NPC in a later episode. Support: Visit our Patreon and leave a rating and review on iTunes or your favorite podcast source! Get a free audio book at Audible! We don’t pay to advertise so word of mouth and reviews are crucial for new listeners finding the show. So please spread the word! Cast: David Alvord (Pa's "Pascal" Scal