Hustle & Flow With Heather Hubbard

Bonus Interview: Fierce Freedom Awaits with Dr. Yashika Dooley



We’re continuing our special bonus series where I’m teaming up with other podcast hosts to bring you their interviews of me.   The interview you’ll hear today is from the podcast Fierce Freedom Awaits with Dr. Yashika Dooley. Not only is she an accomplished OBGYN, she also offers life and weight coaching services for professional women who are struggling with menopausal and peri-menopausal/hormonal weight gain, pelvic pain and body confidence issues. If you could use help in any of these areas, contact Dr. Dooley through her website  Dr. Dooley is also hosting a conference in September called Physician Women of Color Thrive Together so be sure to spread the news to your female doctor friends. The link to the conference is  And be sure to subscribe to the Fierce Freedom Awaits podcast on iTunes or your favorite podcast app or at   Enjoy the episode!