Words You Never Heard

Moose On The Loose!



    Did you hear about the moose that wandered into a hospital in Alaska?  The gaberlunzie moose was able to get into the building through the lobby doors which were frozen in the open position. The moose chowed down on some of the plants in the warm lobby before exiting the hospital the same way it got in. A moose is the largest member of the deer family and can weigh up to 1500 pounds.  Moose have wide hooves that act like snowshoes allowing them to walk on top of the snow. Moose can have antlers that span up to 5 feet and weigh over 65 pounds!  A baby moose is called a calfmoose or a mooseling! Hopefully, the moose didn’t suffer any ill effects from eating the houseplants in the hospital lobby, but I guess if he did, he can always take an Elk-a-seltzer:)