Words You Never Heard

Finally! A Machine Invented To Do Our Ironing!



  Eudemonia is a word for deriving pleasure from doing mundane things such as the laundry.  Finally, modern technology has produced a machine that can help, with the laundry that is. The Foldimate, which just debuted at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, folds your clothes for you.  Well, this is sure to make laundry issues less pressing:)  All you have to do is feed your clothes into a slot on the machine, and the Foldimate does the rest, automatically folding your clothes and delivering them neatly stacked and ready to put away.  What’s a word for a person who wears wrinkled clothes? A Scobberlotcher! The manufacturer says the FoldiMate machine should be available to consumers within the United States by late 2019.  In laundry speak, what’s the opposite of wrinkly?  Why that would be Irony:)