Words You Never Heard

Seagull Stuns Scientists Flying How Many Miles?



  Recently a seagull stunned scientists at the Alderney Bird Observatory in England by flying over 500 miles from Britain to Spain in just seven days. The great black-backed gull, one of the largest seagull species had been tagged in order to track its movements.  People at the observatory said it was pretty unusual for a seagull to travel that far in such a short period of time. There are approximately 50 species of seagulls and they can be found all over the planet including the margins of Antarctica, and in the high Arctic regions as well. Seagulls are known thieves, often stealing food from other birds or even each other.  This is known as kleptoparasitism.  The Birds, an American thriller film, released in 1963 by Alfred Hitchcock, is a story about a northern California coastal town that is inexplicably attacked and rendered helpless by massive flocks of aggressive birds.  What’s a word for the fear of birds?   Ornithophobia!