Words You Never Heard

What Makes You Happy?



  Tim Lomas’ book, Happiness-Found In Translation, features many words from other languages that don’t have English equivalents. For example, Croatians have the word  fjaka, which means “the sweetness of doing nothing.” Or the total state of relaxation experienced by freeing one’s mind and body of activity. Speaking of relaxation, Going for a walk in the woods can sometimes clear your mind just as well as a good meditation session. There’s no one English word that describes the restorative effect of immersing yourself in nature, but the Japanese call it shinrin-yoku. Have you ever met someone whose expression made you feel like you were in on a joke, without even knowing what the joke was?  You might say they had a twinkle in their eye, but the Dutch would call it  pretoogjes, which means “fun or smiling eyes.”