Words You Never Heard

Did You Know Cows Have Regional Accents When They Moo?



  Did you know that cows may have regional accents just like humans?  According to the BBC, this phenomenon was first detected by dairy farmers who noticed that their cows had different moos, depending on where they came from.  John Wells, Professor of Phonetics at the University of London, said regional twangs had been seen before in birds! Cows are also capable of recognizing faces, even after long periods of time. Very mooo-ving indeed! Cows vocalize for a number of reasons, including looking for herd mates and sometimes because they are unhappy.  Most cows are simply content to chewing their cud. Fletcherizing is a word meaning to reduce food to tiny particles by prolonged chewing. Apparently, cattle thieves still exist. Names for cattle thieves include poddy-dodgers, ‘cattle duffers, and gully-rakers! My question is: when a cow laughs, does milk come out her nose?”  I know, that’s “Udderly ridiculous!”