Influencer Entrepreneurs With Jenny Melrose

IE 69: The Importance of Diversifying your Income as a Blogger



Are you trading time for money?  Is your income dependent upon how much time you spend at your desk?  You need to diversify your income so that if something changes in your life or in your business, you're not a sinking ship.I want to tell you before we dive into today’s topic why I chose this topic of diversifying your income. I am 38 years old and in, what I would consider, good health. I am active, I eat a fairly decent diet, and I try to manage stress the best I can.But while on a call with 2 clients recently, I began experiencing chest pains. After I got off the call, the pains got worse so I decided to head to the Urgent Care. When I got there, they whisked me right in (they take chest pains very seriously), and they hooked me up to an EKG machine. My blood pressure was through the roof and I was wondering if the worsening symptoms were from my own stress and fear.I ended up in the ER before all was said and done and I am fine now, but one thing I didn’t have to worry about while all this was going