Influencer Entrepreneurs With Jenny Melrose

IE 76: Facebook Sponsored Posts Guide for Bloggers & Influencers



Today, I want to talk a little about Facebook sponsored posts and how you can use live video to take them to the next level. In the last episode of the podcast, I talked all about Instagram sponsored posts and addressed some common questions that come up about those. Be sure to listen to that one if you missed it!I don’t know if you’ve seen it but Facebook is actually running a commercial on television about their desire to go back to their roots. The platform was started for the purpose of bringing people together. Over the years, it has become riddled with spam and ads but they are working hard to get back to it being about people.This means that if you have a business page for your blog, you have got to prioritize engaging with your audience. If you want Facebook to show your content to your audience, you have to play by their rules and their rules are all based on engagement.Now, let’s jump into what you need to know in order to be successful with Facebook sponsored