Worth It

038: Catapult Your Success With A Mastermind Group!



The term “mastermind” was originally coined by Napoleon Hill in 1925, but small groups of people have been meeting to discuss business ideas, philosophy and untold other subjects for hundreds, if not thousands of years! Today, Dustin R. Granger, CFP® and I talk about the rich history of mastermind groups, and why you should absolutely join one (or start one)! Here’s What You’ll Learn [1:45] Using the power of a small group to catapult your life [2:45] The definition of a mastermind group [5:45] What sort of group should you join? [9:00] Drink a beer and share ideas [11:30] 7 reasons to join a mastermind group [14:45] How to find the right mastermind group [18:00] Toujours Worth It Financial Planning [20:00] Worth It Inspirations What is a mastermind group? By definition, a mastermind group is a peer to peer mentoring concept used to help members solve their problems, with input and advice from other group members. Napoleon Hill, the author of “Think and Grow Rich,” says a mastermind means two or more people c