Worth It

040: Building Your Net Worth Statement



Your net worth can be an extremely useful tool in measuring your economic status and overall financial progress from year to year. Your net worth is essentially a grand total of all your assets minus your liabilities. In other words, your net worth is the figure you get when you add up everything you own and then subtract from that the value of all of your debts. Dustin R. Granger, CFP® and I have put together a simple tool that you can use to help you calculate your net worth! Check out this Worth It episode to learn more! Here’s What You’ll Learn [1:15] Building your net worth statement [2:45] What does net worth mean? [6:00] Knowing your net worth is the best way to start planning for your future [9:00] Working backward from retirement to figure out exactly how much you need [9:45] Calculating your net worth statement [15:30] Calculating your liabilities [20:00] Your net worth! [21:15] Toujours Worth It Financial Planning [23:15] Worth It Inspirations How to calculate your net worth Calculating your net