Worth It

042: Discovering Your Perfect Client Avatar



Have you met your ideal client yet? Do you know what they look like? What are interested in? How do they use technology? What they dream about? If your ideal client walked in the door right now, would you know them? In a world where people are tired of mass-produced products, finding your niche is more important than ever! In order to do that, you should create an avatar of that perfect client! If you are not sure how to get started, join us on this episode for inspiration as we outline OUR perfect client avatar! Here’s What You’ll Learn [2:00] What is an avatar? [3:00] Creating the perfect avatar [3:15] Why do you need an avatar? [5:15] The best businesses put their ideal client avatar in their ads. [7:45] It’s ok to have a set of avatars for different clients [8:15] Think of the people you love to serve, these may just be your avatar [10:00] Keep in mind too, your avatar can grow with your clients [11:45] The Worth It Avatars [19:00] Toujours Worth Guided Wealth Portfolios [21:00] Worth It Inspirations Wh