Worth It

50: When to Hire a CFO and Scale Your Business, with Tyler J. McCall



Tyler J. McCall is a marketing strategist and coach for creative entrepreneurs. He specializes in Instagram marketing and is an expert at converting followers to fans. Tyler teaches his students how to make an impact and grow business with Instagram by using it in a genuine and intentional way. Tyler’s business has grown exponentially over the past year and in this episode, he opens up about when he realized he needed help and decided to hire a CFO. Listen to episode 50 of Worth It to hear the Instagram expert, Tyler J. McCall, as he reveals how he scaled his business by outsourcing. Here’s What You’ll Learn [2:22] How did Tyler become an online entrepreneur? [7:42] Why Instagram? [11:05] Is Instagram for every entrepreneur? [12:56] How did he niche down? [18:54] How did he do his recent trip? [22:00] What led Tyler to set his time freedom goals? [26:20] Why did he hire a CFO? [29:12] What advice does he have for entrepreneurs who want to scale their business? [32:04] What are his dreams for his life and bus