Worth It

51: How to Know Your Worth and Charge It



  Many purpose-driven professionals and creative entrepreneurs have a hard time knowing their worth and even harder time charging it. There are some that even feel weird simply charging others for their work. So many of us struggle with imposter syndrome that we don’t really value ourselves and what we do. Even though we love what you do we still need to be able to make a living. On this episode of Worth It, Dustin and I are here to inform you why it is so important to know your worth and why you should never be afraid to charge people exactly what you're worth. Here’s What You’ll Learn [3:31] What happens when you charge your worth? [8:42] The correlation between price and satisfaction isn’t what you would guess [12:20] A story about Jean Michel Basquiat [15:18] How to decide what to charge? [19:22] Confidence keeps you moving forward What is imposter syndrome? Imposter syndrome is the feeling that you just aren’t good enough, a feeling of inadequacy or incompetence. Many successful creative professionals