Worth It

56: How to Let Go (So You Can Level Up)



Are you guilty of holding on to things just a little too long? We’re not just talking about those jeans from high school — we’re talking about the big stuff: Jobs, negative relationships, and even other people’s expectations of you. Maybe even your expectations of yourself. We all want to level up in some way, whether that means taking on a side hustle so you can build your empire, hiring on an assistant, or finally getting coaching for that big scary dream you’ve got. But we’ve all got baggage that just keeps weighing us down. The good news is: you can let it go. And we are gonna help you figure out how in this episode of Worth It (we promise, there is no Frozen sing-a-long in this episode). What you’ll learn about letting go 6:07 All the different ways people choose to level up in their lives. 7:04  That you’re definitely not alone in feeling scared about letting go. 11:24 What happens when you let go of what’s been holding you back. 13:20 How Danny Meyer, a real modern day trailblazer and the founder of S