Worth It

75: What Legacy Do You Want to Leave?



When you think about legacy, do you think about inheritances or a last will and testament? Of course, those are all parts of planning a legacy, but we know that what you leave behind goes far beyond money and paperwork. Instead, we want to talk about the real legacy — the stuff that made you so special to the people you’ll leave behind. For some, this may seem like a morbid topic or one that’s slightly depressing. But we think this episode of Worth It is important for two reasons: You should be planning your legacy. It can’t wait. You should be talking about death, because it makes life that much sweeter. But enough of that. Let’s dig into what we talked about on this week’s episode.   WHAT WE TALKED ABOUT 00:48 Why thinking about a legacy isn’t just for old people 01:24 Why talking about death isn’t morbid 04:49 How Game of Thrones is connected to your legacy 07:42 The ways what you leave behind affects others 09:00 What kind of legacy do you want to leave? 12:27 Why you should think about how you want to