Worth It

76: Build Wealth and Make an Impact With ESG Investing



If there’s one thing we know about today’s business owners and entrepreneurs, it’s that they’re breaking the mold. They’re not doing business like previous generations, and they’re using their money, products, and services to make the world a better place. That translates into more than just how they make their money; it bleeds into how they invest, as well. More and more Millennials, Gen Z’ers, and even Baby Boomers are choosing to invest in socially responsible businesses and to be “selective” with the mutual funds and stocks they choose to put their money into. We also see this in our own financial planning practice, where more and more of our clients want to know how they can invest in businesses that aren’t “evil” or trashing the planet. In today’s episode of Worth It, we’re talking all about ESG investing: what it means, what it entails, and how you can grow your wealth with it. WHAT YOU’LL LEARN 1:19 Why Millennials are the generation leading the charge on responsible business 2:23 What ESG stands for