Worth It

87: Income is Not Wealth



Do you feel like a total baller because you make a bunch of money each month? Are you living high on the hog because your business is making 6 or even 7 figures? That’s great! Hats off to you. But… we’re here to burst your bubble a little.  While you may be making a really great monthly or yearly income, and you are totally killin’ it at what you do, income is not the same as wealth. Income is literally what is coming in each month from your work or revenue streams. But wealth is the “abundance of valuable financial assets or physical possessions which can be converted into a form that can be used for transactions.” Basically, they’re what you already have that you can use to get by — and thrive. So, this episode, we’re getting into why income is not wealth and how you can actually start building true wealth so you can feel really rich. WHAT YOU’LL LEARN  00:48 The perfect example of a business owner who relied on income, not wealth 03:20 What happens when people hit the 6- or 7-figure mark 03:45 What “wealth