Worth It

88: Are You a Spender or Saver in Life & Biz?



As entrepreneurs and business owners, money is a huge part of our everyday lives — from the few bucks we spend on that morning latte to our home expenses and how we use it to invest in new hires for our business. We all have a different experience with money, and most of us have different “money styles” than our loved ones or business partners. Why is that? Well, we think it’s because most people boil down to one “type”: a Spender or a Saver. Now, we know this is a generalization and that we all have a little Spender and a little Saver in us. However, we think that, in general, people lean more one way or the other. We also think that your “type” dictates a lot about how you work with others, whether it’s a spouse or a business partner. Do you know which type you are? Listen to this episode of Worth It and read on to identify your “type” and to get some tips for how to work with your type (and your partners who may be the opposite).  WHAT YOU’LL LEARN  [01:43] The spending styles of Dustin and Danielle (