Worth It

99: Adjusting Your Focus with Taylor Jacobson



When you work a traditional 9-to-5, working from home (for yourself) can feel like a real treat. You sit in a comfortable chair of your choosing, you can blast music as loud as you want, and pants are optional. But anyone who works remotely full-time or runs their biz from their home office knows: it’s not all sunshine and rainbows. Much of the time, you’re fighting distractions that are pulling you away from your work. Thankfully, Focusmate can help you… well, focus. We talked about productivity and human habit with Focusmate’s creator, Taylor Jacobson, on this week’s episode of Wealth by Design. WHAT YOU’LL LEARN [01:46] Who Taylor is and how he created Focusmate [05:05] How Focusmate uses virtual coworking to help you get work done [07:48] The versatility of Focusmate (it’s not just for paperwork!) [09:00] How Focusmate creates a distraction-free environment [10:44] Why we still need accountability in the digital age [13:18] Using behavioral triggers to get into a “flow state” [15:23] The three