Worth It

MINISODE: 3 Ways To Help Prepare Your Business For A Potential 2020 Recession



As coronavirus continues to create uncertainty in our daily lives that’s being reflected in the stock market, we’re starting to hear more and more talk about an oncoming recession. And while we’ve not yet been declared to officially be in a recession (as of the time of this recording)—we are overdue. Fortunately for entrepreneurs, our job description is to help people by solving problems. And while a recession brings problems to light, it also brings opportunities for entrepreneurs to solve those problems. We know that this can be an incredibly uncertain time, and you’re likely wondering how to be proactive and help prepare your business for a potential recession once the coronavirus quarantines are over. Dustin and Danielle give their 3 best ways in this short video, which we hope helps calm some of your fears and answers some of your questions. WHAT YOU’LL LEARN Is this market uncertainty from coronavirus quarantines going to result in a recession? What is a recession and how does it work? Options to incre