Dynamitegun Dot Com Dot Cast

Week 57: Nothing Works Anymore



This week Budiak talks about how nothing works anymore. Nothing. Want something to work? It won't. Webmail? Sorry. Won't work. Skype? That's down too. Need to show something to someone important? Woooah, there, pump the brakes. Won't work. In the wake of NOT having on a great guest, I'm left to my own sleepless devices and you get this gem!    Take a listen and send me an email, Budiak@dynamitegun.com or Dash16@dynamitegun.com. For everything Dynamitegun, follow at: www.dynamitegun.com Instagram @dynamitegun Twitter @dynamitegun twitch.tv/dynamitegun facebook.com/dynamitegun budiak@dynamitegun.com Subscribe on iTunes at https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/dynamitegun-dot-com-dot-cast/id894462092?mt=2