Dynamitegun Dot Com Dot Cast

Episode 101: Making the Game



OH FOLKS. I hope you are comfortable. This week, LG teaches us how to code an interactive dungeon crawler in real time. Was this planned? God no. You know, I often ask myself if shows like this are going to be good. Then I realize, "Good to who?". Exactly. So, strap yourself down for another patented Dynamitegun Real-life process show, in the vein of Episode 68, where Cool Man Cam recorded a song for his parents, this week is a mostly uncut and maddening process of coding a simple, yet bewildering video game. In case you're wondering, and somewhat tech savvy, you can check out the game at Github by copying this link:  https://github.com/bhardin/dynamite_crawl And by the way, it's called Dynamite Crawl. Like Dungeon Crawl, only...with modestly more Dynamite. Feel free to contribute if you want (or can, it's beyond me). Find me on these incredibly popular platforms!! Instagram @dynamitegun Twitter @dynamitegun facebook.com/dynamitegun Listen on Stitcher: http://www.stitcher.com/s?fid=75493&refid=stpr or sub