Dynamitegun Dot Com Dot Cast

Episode 102: Review How To



OH FOLKS Here's a doozy. This week I talk about why the hell I missed last week's show, and what exactly has got me spread so thin. Then, I launch into a ridiculous screed about my game reviewing methodology, and include five tips for reviewing games. From a master game reviewer, me, to you, I give these things.  Enjoy! BTW the game is still up! Go check it out, if you can figure out how! https://github.com/bhardin/dynamite_crawl And by the way, it's called Dynamite Crawl. Like Dungeon Crawl, only...with modestly more Dynamite. Feel free to contribute if you want (or can, it's beyond me). Find me on these incredibly popular platforms!! Instagram @dynamitegun Twitter @dynamitegun facebook.com/dynamitegun Listen on Stitcher: http://www.stitcher.com/s?fid=75493&refid=stpr or subscribe on iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/dynamitegun-dot-com-dot-cast/id894462092?mt=2 Fanboyplanet.com for cheap game reviews Visit my Steam Curator page at http://store.steampowered.com/curator/11516215/