American Freethought Podcast

303 - Christopher Cameron (Black Freethinkers)



I interview Christopher Cameron, author of Black Freethinkers: A History of African American Secularism. For more about Chris visit his UNCC faculty page. To buy his book click here. Plus: Trump issues a bogus declaration defining places of worship as "essential." This is an unenforceable attempt to paint governors as anti-religion and fool his base into thinking Trump has their backs. In AKA Jane Roe, a new documentary about the late Norma McCorvey (the "Roe" in "Roe vs Wade"), she reveals that her late-life conversion to fundamentalist Christianity and her embrace of the anti-abortion cause was all a lie, and that she was actually secretly paid by anti-abortion operatives to play a part. Theme music courtesy of Body Found. Follow American Freethought on the intertubes: Website:  Twitter: @AMERFREETHOUGHT Facebook: Libsyn Classic Feed: Contact: Support the Podcast: PayP