American Freethought Podcast

309 - Party Platforms 2020



The Democrats have a ticket! As expected, former Vice President Joe Biden has selected Senator Kamala Harris as his running mate. If elected, Biden will be our second Catholic president, but Harris will make history as the first VP of African descent or of Asian descent. Some conservatives are already circulating a birther conspiracy about her (saying she is ineligible for office, having been born in California of parents who were--irrelevantly--not at the time citizens), but will they also make an issue of her mother's Hindu upbringing? Five Faith Facts about Kamala Harris Plus: I look at the Democratic and Republican party platforms from a freethought perspective, analyzing the frequency of certain key words or phrases. (And since the GOP didn't bother to create a new platform for 2020, I play a clip from American Freethought episode 254, in which David Driscoll and I look at their 2016 platform.) Theme music courtesy of Body Found. Follow American Freethought on the intertubes: Website: AmericanFreethought