Nerdfect Strangers

Nerdfect Strangers, Episode 37, The ATOMIC Thunderbolt!!!



On this thrilling and new episode of Nerdfect Strangers, hosts Glenn and Jerry bring you an interview with Kevin Powers! Kevin is working on wonderful comics projects over at TJ Comics, and is KickStarting a new project based on a Golden Age hero, The Atomic Thunderbolt. You like comics? You know you do! Check out the links in the show notes, and share it with your friends!!! You can pledge and share information on The Atomic Thunderbolt at... You can check out Kevin Powers' other projects at... And his Superman Blog at... Don't forget to follow Kevin Powers at You can also find Kevin's work at AS ALWAYS... Check the show out at Check the show out on Facebook! Search "Nerdfect Strangers" and don't forget to tell your friends! Check out the show's official TWITTE