Climbing With Scars

#75: Who To Listen To



On the journey of building your business, growing as an entrepreneur and taking our career to new levels, there is the reality that you cannot do it on your own. At any stage of entrepreneurship, whether a startup or an experienced journey man, you will always need others.  This could be a coach, a lawyer, an accountant, a mentor, a financier, consultant, a colleague or a trusted confidant. While it pays to listen to others who can offer advice, whether paid for or not,  how do you know “Who” to listen to,  and for how long? This week on Climbing With Scars I talk about my experiences with decisions made on many important relationships I engaged with to help drive my business forward and also how I came to the realisation of when I had to move beyond these relationships in search of others to listen to.  Every entrepreneur needs others along their journey, choosing “Who” is important but also knowing when it is time to move on can be the difference between winning and losing.