Saints Peter And Paul Sermons

Rubble Restoration: Nehemiah 13



The story of Ezra & Nehemiah finishes in an unexpected way. All throughout these books - we've heard about all that God was restoring for His people: the temple; the people's spiritual foundations; the city walls of Jerusalem. But in chapter 13 - all of these accomplishments start to come undone. That's because this isn't a Hollywood story with a "happily ever after." This is Scripture. Documenting real events in the lives of real people. And that things don't work out perfectly -- well, that's more relatable than the stories we often hear. Yet, God shows us that even when we're undone - He's NOT done! Not with Nehemiah. Not with you or me. Listen as Pastor Kevin walks through this anticlimactic end to the story of "Rubble Restoration" in Jerusalem. And consider what God might be seeking to rebuild in your life.