Give That Some Thought

GTST Episode 298: A Reverse Blessing



Ancient cosmic wars, non-rotating plains, and giants oh my! Addison discusses the World Wide Web, Ring Doorbells, and Google with his kids at dinner. Matt gives instructions for how to smoke the perfect bowl, and we also discuss his new co-worker, and how things work in his kitchen. We acknowledge an anonymous producer of the show, and establish the world’s shittiest value for value system, and talk about the future of the show a bit. Matt talks about his experience with therapy, and gives some thoughts on the church, and Addison asks the opinion of Suburban Wizard. (Matt’s grandpa is a badass.) We discuss the ol’ reverse blessing. We do a detailed breakdown of the stance of watercast, and how you can earn a producership of your own. We also discuss the effects of zinc and Addison reads 4chan. Then we end with a little Bible cast, like God intended. Marxism, cosmology, paganism, and the Antichrist agenda. Big shout to the FBI, for all of their hard work on Truck Malcovich and the 18th fed