Writing Alchemy

Unfamiliar Heroes 21 – Inside the First Responders Training Program Part 1



Writing Alchemy Unfamiliar Heroes 21 Summary We return to the First Responder’s Training Program to catch up with Vanessa the Witch and Janus the Ghoul. In this sequel adventure, meet Gail the Ghost and follow the drama that swirls around the popular Chaz Drakon, as everyone prepares for another pivotal full moon ritual. Game Master: Jordan Green (they/them) Vanessa the Witch (she/her): played by Fay Onyx (ze/hir) Janus the Ghoul (she/her): played by Tobi Hill-Meyer (she/her) Gail the Ghost (she/her): played by Billie Rain (ze/hir) Audio Editing: Kimberly Loftus (she/her)   Sound Design: Fay Onyx Transcription: Goblin (they/them), with help from Fay Onyx, using Otter.ai Content warnings are listed at the bottom of these show notes.   Transcript For maximum accessibility, each transcript has four formats: an online post for access convenience, a word document with a low-vision friendly font (Veranda), a pdf with a dyslexia friendly font (OpenDyslexic3), and a low contrast blue on black pdf for pe