Higher Journeys Radio With Alexis Brooks

Kyle Russell: Moldavite – The Myth, Mystery and Magic!



Moldavite has been gaining unprecedented attention in recent years. This enigmatic stone, said to have descended from “the stars” landed on earth millions of years ago, largely in an area of the Czech Republic and believed to have been formed by a meteorite’s impact in the Ries crater in southern Germany 14.7 million years ago. Moldavite, a form of tektite has been the subject of many recent “strange” encounters that some individuals have been reporting. But are these "reports" REALLY a good barometer for understanding the intricacies of Moldavite? In this special on-location episode of Higher Journeys, Kyle Russell, crystal expert, researcher and author shares his enormous background and education about Moldavite - what they are, how they work and WHY so many reporting these disturbing encounters with this “alien” stone are happening. From his vast knowledge base (and own experience with this stone), Kyle will set the record straight about what “on earth” is going on with Moldavite! For over 30 years,