Car Rides With Little Miss Gigi

Sneak peek of audiobook: Stompy's Lost Slippers



Today's podcast episode is a little teaser of our new audio story bundle coming October 5th! These bedtime stories will be the perfect bundle to bring peace to your child before they go to sleep. You will love Goodnight God bedtime stories. Listen to the episode to find out what the story is about....enjoy this little sneak peek.                        ____________________________________ Stompy the little elephant almost trips and falls with her old slippery slippers. Grandmother elephant comes to visits and together they go hunting for the perfect pair. Finally after much search, Stompy finds the ones she loves. Pink slippers with fluffy pom poms on top and a little jingly bells that goes ling, ling, ling each time she walks. Stompy wears them all the time and leaves them everywhere. One day as she gets ready for bed she can’t find her slippers. Upset and nervous Stompy looks for them everywhere. Oh no, what would grandmother say if she finds out she lost them? Will she ever find them?