Dare To Be Human

"Playing in the Boardroom" with Janet Tanguay



Kat and Livia talk with our friend Janey Tanguay! Janet has been a fixture in the Capital Region's business community for years and has helped many people turn their business ideas into business reality. Her current two businesses, Hammock Way of Life and Business Idea Shower exemplify her commitment to helping entrepreneurs both get their businesses off the ground but to also have the foundation of vision beneath them. In this episode we discuss the process of invention and discovery and how it can be messy and painful. The importance of finding play in your life and unplugging from the daily grind. We also discuss representation and wearing your labels. Finally, Janet shares a story of Ellen Degeneres and coming out in the happiest place on earth and getting the grade you deserve. Biz Idea Shower Hammock Way of Life Get in touch at info@hammockwayoflife.comJanet on Twitter Hammock Way of Life on Facebook Hammock Way of Life on InstagramJanet TanguayThroughout her career, Janet has helped over 1000 entr