East Ridge Pres

Friday, 31 March 2017



Matthew 23:4 They tie up heavy burdens, hard to bear, and lay them on people's shoulders, but they themselves are not willing to move them with their finger. Beware of proud Bible teachers. Beware of proud pastors and speakers and authors. Beware of proud saints and their words and example. Arrogant elites, the pure ones. In their teaching they pile on a load of duties, duties which may all be good and righteous, but you are unable to move, dying under the burden and they give you no help. They are obedient in many ways and impressive to everyone around them. They are disciplined. They are sacrificial. They are rigorous. They are proud of their holiness and stand above the herd and common people. They rail against them and criticize them. They don’t actually love them. They don’t kindly and gently help them. They are obedient in many ways and seem like they know all about God, but don’t know God in reality and so they can’t please God. Their impressive obedience is not burning with the fire of love. It is