Just 2 Pearls

Clean Up The House, Then Hang the Garland (Featuring Rev. Rashad Raymond Moore)



Advent Greetings from Just 2 Pearls! On this final episode of 2017, Jaimie and Porsha are sharing a compelling conversation with "Bowtie," Rev. Rashad Raymond Moore. The Pearls talked to Rev. Moore about the inherent tension between the despair of this world and the joy of this season. Also, we also talked about what it looks like for churches to be engaged in ending sexual violence and how we can ensure that there is room "in the inn" for Christ. You don't want to miss a moment of this conversation! Follow Rev. Moore on Twitter and Instagram @justrashad. And, since it is the Holiday Season, Jaimie and Porsha are blessing our Pearly Posse. Don't miss the reflection from Nadia Bolz-Weber, and Porsha's Adventure and "Petty Pearl" will leave you in stitches. Share the pod-love, Pearls! Tell a loved one to check out Just 2 Pearls on SoundCloud, Apple Podcasts, or just2pearls.com. Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter @just2pearls. Thank you, and remember to cultivate the pearl within you. Happy Holidays,