Just 2 Pearls

Preview: Pro-Tips with The Pearls (Summer 2018 Series)



Hey, Pearls! It is officially the summer of 2018, and Jaimie and Porsha are ready to cultivate their pearls while sipping sweet tea and floating on flamingo floaties. Join us for weekly episodes starting on Friday, July 13. Jaimie and Porsha will offer you the "Pearl Pro-Tips" that might transform your life forever. Subscribe to Just 2 Pearls now on SoundCloud, Apple Podcasts, or just2pearls.com. Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to keep up with all of our summer antics, and email us at adventures@just2pearls.com. And, love yourself by remembering to cultivate the pearl within you. Now slather on the SPF and go live your best life!