Just 2 Pearls

Pearl Pro-Tip 1: Write It Down!



Greetings, Pearls! Are you ready for the first pro-tip of the summer? On this episode, Jaimie and Porsha encourage you to write! Maybe you want to invest in a journal, or perhaps you prefer to write notes using your phone, tablet, or computer. No matter how you do it, The Pearls say that you must let the ideas big and small in your mind see the light of day. Maybe you want to email a letter to Jaimie and Porsha. You can find them on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter @just2pearls. Write them an email at adventures@just2pearls.com. Listen to this podcast on SoundCloud, Apple Podcasts, or just2pearls.com. Until next time, write a lot and remember to cultivate the pearl within you!