Just 2 Pearls

The Comparison Game



Hey, Pearls! On this episode, Jaimie and Porsha chat about the risks we run when we compare ourselves to others (or even to "previous versions" of ourselves)! Porsha teaches us that the dead presidents have quotes, Jaimie chats about some of the challenges of being engaged, Porsha reminds us that she is who she is and there is no other, and Jaimie finds her footing as a grad student. Finally, Jaimie wraps things up with some advice on how to get that summer glow. You can listen to episodes of Just 2 Pearls on SoundCloud, Apple Podcasts, or just2pearls.com. Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter @just2pearls. You can also email us at adventures@just2pearls.com. We love hearing from you. Thank you for listening, and remember to cultivate the pearl within you!