Retirement 360

Stocks Up as Shutdown Looms



The experience of worrying is, at one time or another, something we all go through. I don't mean casual uncertainties either- did they remember I said no tomatoes on my sandwich? Did I pack everything for the trip? Is it going to rain during a birthday party? Those concerns are usually just thoughts that pass by us in the day. Real worries are things that stick with you for months, sometimes years. We try and think through them, come up with a band-aid solution to buy us some time, or maybe even just stick them in a corner hoping they'll disappear. In the end though we all must face up to them, armed with a plan to put in place. It might sound simple but ultimately, that's the secret: the sooner you have a plan, the sooner you won't have to deal with the things bothering you. This week on Retirement 360 with Louisville's Retirement Coach Alan Mercurio and co-host Tony Vanetti, we're going to be showing our listeners plans to overcome some of the worries we hear about the most. Whether you