Retirement 360

Volatile Markets Continue



Anyone who has begun even the preliminary stages of retirement planning knows that you're going to have to face some challenges. Even just thinking about not having the promise of that weekly paycheck to get your bills paid can be worrying. But, as writer T.S. Eliot once wrote, "If you aren't in over your head, how do you know how tall you are?" Retirement is something that has so many facets playing into it that it's impossible to just "wing it" and try for a quick band-aid solution. While it might be overwhelming to face down, your future self will thank you for the time and dedication you put towards building a solid game plan. This week on Retirement 360, Kentuckiana's Retirement Coach Alan Mercurio and co-host Tony Vanetti will be discussing some tips to keep in mind when it comes to facing the challenges retirement planning can bring on. Market volatility, getting yourself and spouse on the same financial page, hidden fees, and looming tax changes all present potential problems your plan must be able