Retirement 360

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With summer finally here after our extended winter season, most of us are hitting the lake or hopping on an airplane to far-off lands (or Florida, which we’ll still say is far-off.) Have you ever thought about how much planning really goes into a vacation? There’s tickets to buy, suitcases to pack, pet sitters to arrange, and a whole host of to-do activities before you can set off. Whether you’re a fit-it-all-in-one-backpack type or playing Tetris to fit all 6 of your suitcases into your car’s trunk, all of us have a game plan for our getaways. This week on Retirement 360 with Kentuckiana’s Retirement Coach Alan Mercurio and Wealth Advisor Troy Bolton, we’re going to discuss how planning for retirement is just like planning for a trip. This week it’s all about budgets—and if thinking about the differences in a pre-retirement versus retirement budget haven’t crossed your mind, this is the show for you. Having a firm idea of your monthly expenses will ultimately make sure that you’re not running out of money