Retirement 360

Corrections, Taxes and Planning for the Future



The word "Correction' is circling the news, so what are you doing in case there is a pullback in the market? But other than worrying, learn what actions MWA Advisor Alan recommends in case there is the 10% drop. If you do not secure your accounts in the event of a correction, you will also want to consider preventing these mistakes at the 2018 tax season approaches. Alan and host, Randy Cook discuss the “6 Whopping Tax Mistakes that can Ruin your Retirement”: Retirement Tax Mistake #1: Assuming you will pay less taxes in retirement Retirement Tax Mistake #2: Not Planning for Social Security Taxation Retirement Tax Mistake #3: Forgetting about Roth IRAs and Roth 401(k)s while you have the chance And with so many things to think about - making the right choice, choosing the best path, planning for the best outcome - how do you make your retirement a priority? While it may seems easy to push off to the side, saving for retirement is necessary today so you will have something tomorrow.