Cantor Azi Schwartz

Kol Adonai



Kol Adonai hotzev lahavot esh. Kol Adonai yahil midbar, yahil Adonai midbar kadesh. Kol Adonai y’holel ayalot va-yehesof y’arot uv’heikhalo kulo omer kavod. Adonai lamabul yashav vayeshev Adonai melekh l’olam. Adonai oz l’amo yiten Adonai y’varekh et amo va-shalom. The voice of Adonai flashes fire, splitting rocks; the voice of Adonai convulses the desert, the very desert of Kadesh. The voice of Adonai makes hinds calve; the voice of Adonai strips forests bare, while in the sanctuary all acknowledge God’s glory. Adonai was enthroned above the primal waters; Adonai sat enthroned, the eternal sovereign. Adonai will grant strength to God’s people, blessing them with peace. Leib Glantz , arr. Raymond Goldstein Leib Glantz (1898–1964) Born in Ukraine, Leib Glantz was a cantor, composer, musicologist, educator, and Zionist leader. Glantz graduated in piano and composition from the Kiev Music Conservatory. He also was a delegate to congresses of the HeHalutz movement and to World Zionist Congresses and served as